Jason Nash Net worth

Net worth

According to celebrity net worth, the net worth of Jason Nash is approximately 1 million USD. He is a comedian, youtuber and screenwriter. Let’s have a look at his main earning source.


Main Earning Sources

We have research on Jason Nash’s main earning sources and found he basically earns from multiple sources. Such as, from youtube, comedy shows, tv shows etc. As a comedian Jason Nash has produced several earning sources. We have also seen that he earn’s 400-500 United States Dollar each day from Youtube. We have talked much about his earning, lets see who Jason Nash actually is!



Jason Nash is a Comedian from the United States. He was the semi finalist of Last Stand Up Comedian in 2010. From there to these days Jason’s success rate is getting higher and higher day by day. He wanted to be a comedian from his early age and his journey started getting success in 2010 with Last Comic Standing. Though Nash was born in Massachusetts but he moved to Los Angeles to become a comedian. At that time Nash was able to create an audience for himself with Vine. [Vine is a social media platform in the United States.]

Jason Nash is one of the most popular comedians in the United States. In 2016, He produced a show which is Jason Nash is Married. This show has introduced him to a new audience. 

Jason Nash Net Worth

Early Life

Jason Nash aka Jason Eric Nash was born on 23rd May, 1973. He was born in Massachusetts, US. His mother’s name is  Lorraine Nash. We didn’t find anything about his father. So we are not going to mention anything about him. Jason has wanted to be a comedian since his early life. So he moved to Los Angeles with a dream of becoming a comedian. He participated in a show on NBC named Last Comedy Standing in 2010. In that show he became Semi-finalist. He got a huge amount of fame there. People started knowing about him. But before his participation it is noted that he had about 2 million followers on Vine. But later on in 2016, He co-produced a movie named “Jason Nash is Married”. Later he moved to youtube and with his hard work he became a successful youtuber.


Legal Issues

We found nothing about Jason Nash Legal Issues. We tried many resources but found nothing over the internet. 


Personal LIfe

Jason Nash graduated from Medfield High School in 1991 and then he joined University of Massachusetts Amherst. We found that Nash was dating a youtuber named Trisha Paytas in 2017. But it was reported that they are separated now. 

Jason Nash has one son and one daughter. Their name is Wyatt and Charley and they are currently living with Marney Hochman [Ex-wife of Jason Nash].



After moving to Los Angles Nash started to  build a presence for himself. He successfully created a platform for him. At that time he was able to reach about 1 million followers on vine. His success story actually started from there. Before that in 2005, he worked on Drake and Josh which aired on Nickelodeon. In 2009, He played a Neighbour role on a Show named “House” which originally aired on Fox. In 2014, He co-produced “Jason Nash is Married” and played His own role.

Nash is currently a youtuber by profession. He does vlogging on youtube. As vlogging is  becoming popular day by day nash is also moving into the same way as others. 


Interesting Facts

  • Jason Nash’s Ex wife is Marney Hochman.
  • Jason Nash has two children, Namely Wyatt and Charley.
  • Wyatt and Charley currently live with their mom Marney.
  • Jason Nash was dating Trisha Paytas.
  • Trisha and Nash started dating in 2017 and currently they are separated.
  • Jason Nash has more than 2.5 million subscribers on youtube.
  • Jason Nash had 2 million subscribers on Vine before he moved into comedy.
  • Jason Nash Co-produced “Jason Nash is Married”


Summary Table


Name Jason Erik Nash
Date Of Birth 23rd May, 1973
Age 46
Occupation Youtuber, Comedian, Actor, Screenwriter
Girlfriend Unknown
Children 1 son and 1 daughter
Youtube Channel Name Jason Nash
Current Follower 2.85 Million
Net Worth Approximately 1 million USD

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